Hi all I'm Sethuram👋

I'm a passionate learner in the field of web-development, currently having fun building web-apps with ReactJS / Javascript and some othe cool libraries and frameworks. I'm also intrigued by data structures and algorithms and occassionaly write blogs on them.

What I do

I love learning new tech stacks in the field of web-dev. And aspire to explore all the tech stack which intrigues me.

HTMLCSSJavaScriptTypescriptJavaReactGraphQLNodeJSExpressJSGatsbySassMaterial UIMongoDBFirebaseGitNPM

Building responsive websites using React and other frameworks

Building application backend using Node and Express

SPA (Single Page Application) Stacks and PWA (Progressive Web Applications)


Here are some my projects which I loved working on, and explored new territories while doing so!

Path Finding Visualizer
Path Finding Visualizer
Path-finding visualizer - a visualization tool for graph algorithms.
Sorting Visualizer
Sorting Visualizer
This is a sorting visualizer built with React JS, to visualize various sorting algorithms.
Trello Clone
Trello Clone
I tried cloning Trello( ofcourse not every feature/ functionality of trello) using react and redux.
Harry Potter Wikki
Harry Potter Wikki
My childhood fantasy world! A trivia/ mini fandom of it.
My Porfolio (this project)
My Porfolio (this project)
Welcome to my portfolio project! I have built this portfolio with the idea of this project serving as template portfolio.


I like writing blogs that way, I can assess my own understanding on the concept and help others learning about the same.




Thiagarajar College of Engineering

BE Computer Science and Engineering

2019 - 2023

Reach out to me!

Feel free to discuss about anything related to dev, dsa or just drop a hi.


mail id: sethuram52001@gmail.com